Biography of a Build CH.09/SEPTEMBER 11, 2021
August was pretty good to us, it has started to warm up, so only hitting minus degrees in the morning rather than all day. BEAUTIFUL!
This month we managed;
Wrangled up most of our external walls. The external walls are made out of treated pine, which is typically 90mmx45mm radiata pine (lots which is grown in Australia or New Zealand). This is the green looking pine you see on a bunch of sites. It’s full of chemicals but cheap and easy to work with.
Dressed a bunch of our recycled hardwood timber that we pulled out of a house in the hunter valley in November 2019 (we found the house through a gumtree advertisement). We used a bunch of tools to take the timber from dirty and rough to smooth and sexy. These will form exposed hardwood posts throughout the house, including in the exterior walls.
Burnt some of the big bits of pine that was milled on site. These will be exposed in the house as lintels and ridge beams. They are looking so incredible and we have some sexy details coming up. yum yum yum yum yum.
Ordered our floor boards which are 63x20mm Spotted Gum. An Australian hardwood (Apparently It’s not technically a eucalyptus but it pretty much is). They are PEFC certified which means they are internationally recognised badge to say the timber is sustainably sourced….after some 2am research it looks like FSC is probably better and the PEFC might just be an industry badge developed by industry….it’s all a bit murky.
It was still a bit cold some days in August…
Here is out Biography of a Build for this month! It’s lots of Brrr’s and Bzzzts, and Bonk’s so…enjoy!
Onwards and structurally upwards!
Dusty & Thirsty
We are taking note from The Grand Section on the value of documenting the journey whilst you’re in it by hand rather than just the final result by photograph.
At the end of each month we sit down and visually document the build journey of ‘Can’t Break Your Hip House’ up in Blackheath and the people who have been a part of that chapter. A great way to reflect on going-ons, small wins and lots of learnings
Our August biography of a build out now.
You can find further photographs on The Grand Section social media - instagram and facebook!