Where are we and What have we been up to? (we hear you ask)/APRIL 18, 2018
The rumors are true, we've been getting around... serving some 6B sanga's (see the drawing) p.s that's a pencil joke served at lunch time. We have been talking and unpacking some of the ideas tied in with the trip. It's been humbling to see other people putting value into the work we have done.
A 6B Sanga!!
Talkin' @ Brisbane & Newcastle
We were flown up to Brisbane in early March by the wonderful Five Mile Radius, the second instalment of their "what's out there?" events. They are a pirate crew of architects, thinkers and tinkers who LOVE DIRT. Their whole philosophy is about building from the materials you have within five miles of your site. Thanks crew!
Jumping on board with us being in Brisbane Bond University Students asked us to do a lunch time talk in their fancy architect building. We were kindly received by a handful of folded armed students and the head of school, Adrian Carter. Thanks Bond!
Also jumping on board, some folks we've met through the Glenn Murcutt Master class organised a talk at the schmick Architecture firm; Conrad Gargett...they even had sandwiches! As we ascended to the 26th floor of inner city Brisbane we realised their elevator was the fanciest thing we've been in since returning. Thanks Conrad Gargett, Tony & Tersius!
We also want to say a huge thank you to John Roberts (JR), one of our biggest supports. JR has taught us both through our university degrees and is constantly surprising us with the lateral thoughts, lessons and laughs! JR surprised us by flying to Brisbane, there just to show his support and have a good time! How many uni lecturers would do that for their students! John Bloody Roberts!!!
Once back safely below the QLD border Bobbie yarned at a Women's Business Lunch in Belmont. She gave no business advice, as she's got none. But instead spoke about the journey, and what she has learnt & been taught about life, resilience and commitment from The Grand Section.

Five Mile Radius recently completed project in India
+ The Hawkesbury
In a wonderful finale to a wild couple of weeks, we were asked to speak at the international Deerubbin conference (16th-18th March). Organised by OZ.E.TECTURE, an amazing Australian organisation that organises events and master classes based on a deep appreciation of the environment and tries to deal soley with good people! Deerubbin is a conference unlike the others. Held on an island in the Hawkesbury River, speakers, sponsors and students are lumped together in shared accomodation, the bar and dinner, a cracking way to hear excellent ideas and you never know who you will sit next to at brekky. This year there were speakers from the UK and Norway as well as an epic line up of Australian cool cats. No one showed sexy house photos (a very rare thing for an architecture conference).
Us talking on Milsons Island in building designed by attendee, Micheal Heenan
The Exhibition - 'Girthy with Slim Edges'
So now......... THE EXHIBITION!
We are being received well by the venues, spaces and cities we are contacting around the country to host our roving exhibition in their public spaces from June - October.
We have been busy sourcing and salvaging people's and businesses old tents and have begun sewing to build the illustration below. That's right... the exhibition is being presented from this beast of a tent structure! Us and this structure will be popping up over weekends around the country, so clear your calendars folks so you don't miss the opportunity to come and check it out!!!
Stay up to date on where we are roving by clicking the image below, we'd love to see you there!!
Thanks to everyone who has looked after us the past few months and those working hard with us to rope in their contacts around the country to secure venues and spaces at events for our exhibition! We continue to be humbled by how generous people can be.
Not so Dusty, but still thirsty